Hope for the Pessimist

Let's face it

Most self-help writing sucks. It is written by business mavericks who proclaim that the way to self-improvement is as simple as deciding to “turn fear into fuel” or using “the five-second rule” to overcome hesitation. Through honeyed optimism, they promote hack methods that never solve the underlying issues. They win fame through TED Talks, seminars, and YouTube videos. They sell out their coaching services but rarely do they change anyone’s life. 

This blog aims to do something a little different. With a blend of personal experience and a hell of a lot of reading on psychology and neuroscience, I aim to give you the best damn advice I know to conquer fear, OCD, depression, and general life stagnation. 

The Catch?

It’s going to be painful. It’s going to require effort. Tons of effort. And a willingness to question everything you read. Including what you read on this blog. 

Breathe deep and get started. Take it slow and have fun if you can. It’s a long road but it’s worth every step.

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The Terror
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Making It on Your Own
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